Portfolio Management - ROI  
Subject:   Calculator: Calculating Net Present Value


Message:   How will you ever know whether a project is worth doing? Figure out its value to you at the present -- before you get going. This is called the Net Present Value of an investment, where you determine all the benefits and costs of the project for a given horizon, say three years. Then you discount back to the present at a ``hurdle rate.'' That rate is the return that the company thinks it can get from alternate uses of its cash. - Baseline Magazine

Full Story: http://www.baselinemag.com/article2/0,1397,1826600,00.asp
Thread:   Calculator: Calculating Net Present... ( JGlander@pmonetwork.net Mar-14-2006 )
Created 03/14/2006 by JGlander. Last modified 03/14/2006 by JGlander