Portfolio Management - Case Studies  
Subject:   Getting the Word on Portfolio Management

Case Studies

Message:   Every Thursday, 10 top executives from AAA of Northern California, Nevada and Utah gather to make sure that current IT and business projects are on track. The result, says San Retna, the travel organization's chief portfolio officer, is "double 80" performance. This means that by tracking their projects as a portfolio, Retna's organization can deliver 80 percent of them on time and on budget while achieving 80 percent of the promised ROI. Retna says the meetings are effective because executives can view all investments at once. "At most organizations, that's not possible, because the person who makes the decision to go ahead with an investment is not the one who is executing the project," he says. - CIO Magazine

Full Story: http://www.cio.com/archive/070105/tl_governance.html
Thread:   Getting the Word on Portfolio Manag... ( JGlander@pmonetwork.net Mar-14-2006 )
Created 03/14/2006 by JGlander. Last modified 03/14/2006 by JGlander