Reference Organizations
Project Management Institute The Project Management Institute is the leading nonprofit professional association in the area of Project Management.
The SEI exists to help others improve their software engineering capabilities by advancing the state of software engineering.
For more than twenty years, Rational has helped software teams overcome chronic development obstacles through a flexible and proven approach. The result: higher-impact software, a more motivating work environment, and a greater return on your organization's software development investment.
Agile Modeling is a practice-based methodology for effective modeling and documentation of software-based systems. Simply put, Agile Modeling (AM) is a collection of values, principles, and practices for modeling software that can be applied on a software development project in an effective and lightweight manner. Agile models are more effective than traditional models because they are just barely good enough, they don't have to be perfect.
Extreme Programming is successful because it stresses customer satisfaction. The methodology is designed to deliver the software your customer needs when it is needed. XP empowers your developers to confidently respond to changing customer requirements, even late in the life cycle.

Portfolio Management
It's Time To Upgrade Portfolios - Computer World
It's Not Your Portfolio - It's Theirs -
6 Ways to Keep Spending on Track and in Line - Darwin
What's Happening With Your IT Investment? - Alchemy
Project Portfolio Management - Computer World
META Group Details Business Critical Skills CIOs Need to Succeed in 2002/03 - Meta Group
Learn About Detailed Strategies on How to Restructure IT Spending - Meta Group
Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise - CIO Insight
Tools Bring ROI into Focus - Internet Week
IT Portfolio Management Is Essential to New Technology Economy - Meta Group
Red Light, Green Light -
Application Development: Portfolio Management - Gartner
Return on Investment
ROI: Results Often Immeasurable -
Getting Tough on ROI - Information Week
6 Ways to Keep Spending on Track and in Line - Darwin
Demystifying ROI - Computer World
Why Doesn't Your ROI add up? - Darwin
ROI - Internet World
Making IT Measurement less Murky - CIO Magazine
Tools Bring ROI into Focus - Internet Week
Do the Math -
Project Management
Putting Personnel In their Place - Meta Group
Taking Projects to the Extreme - Computer World
Daimler Chrysler Evolves Project-Management Process - Information Week
Consulting Firms Promote Online Design Collaboration - Informaion Week