Portfolio Management - Other  
Subject:   First Things First


Message:   Using a prioritization system that classifies projects by the value they bring to the business ensures that Deseret Book steers the right amount of resources to the right projects. After years in I.T., Niel Nickolaisen believes IT projects fail in such high percentages because both IT and business executives spend too much time and energy debating systems that ultimately don't generate a single dollar of ROI or the slightest increase in market share. And then they devote too many resources to developing technology to support those projects. - CIO Magazine

Full Story: http://www.cio.com/archive/031504/case.html
Thread:   First Things First ( jglander@pmonetwork.net Jan-20-2005 )
Created 01/20/2005 by jglander. Last modified 01/20/2005 by jglander